Video Production Services

Professional Multi-Cam 4K Video Recording 

  • Cinematography Motion Stabilization

  • Vertical and Horizontal Video Formats

  • High Quality Multi-Track Audio Recording 

  • Audio Mixing/Mastering

  • In-Studio Music Video Production

  • Live Event Videography

  • Multi-Cam Live Music Production 

  • Live Streaming 

  • Podcast Video and Audio Production

  • Media Content Creation

  • Documentary & Commercial Video Press Kit Services

Media and Press Kit Services

Musician, Artist and Business Media Packages for Professional Outreach Purposes

  • Video & Portrait Photography Content

  • Recording Studio Quality EP, LP & Demo Audio Recordings

  • Graphic Design, Logos & Album Artwork

  • Social Media Design, Development and Management

  • Promotions through our media networks and Partnerships

  • E-mail Marketing

  • Google, Facebook & Instagram Ads

  • Merchandise, Products and Direct Sales Strategy

  • Outreach documents and forms

Social Media Management

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok Buildout and Management

  • Establishing a Target Audience 

  • Conceptual Messaging of Product/Service of Target Demographic

  • Follower Growth Strategy

  • High Quality Video/Photo Content Creation, Scheduling of Posts

  • Responding to DMs, Comments, Likes

  • Insights & Analytics

Music Festival Production

Stage, Backline, Lights, Tents, and Equipment

  • Sound Technician, Light Technician, Visual projections, LED Video Wall, and more.

  • Talent Booking, Talent Management, Planning, and Production. 

  • Audio & Video Production, Mixing, Mastering, Live Streaming.