
Episode 3 | Bunktown Falls | ListenUp! Long Island

Hanging with The Bunktown Falls Homies, Long Island Jam Band with an Eclectic Influence of Reggae, Rock, Punk, Funk, and Everything under the sun. In fact, it's difficult to pinpoint a genre because they've created such a unique sound that's so distinct they've branded it "Gonzo Beach Rock". They've experienced quite the journey through navigating the up and coming Long Island Music Scene. From crazy stories at music festivals, to in-studio brawls while DIY recording. At the end of the day, it's all about putting on a fun-vibey experience for the audience while on stage, work through creative differences as they're overall a storytelling beach band that has been through it all but remained the best of friends throughout years of ups and downs. But, let them tell you their experiences as a band on Long Island in their words. These are some true words of wisdom from Bunktown Falls.


Episode 2 | The Chris Ruben Band | ListenUp! Long Island Podcast


ListenUP! Long Island | Ronin Long Island's Premier Rock Band.